Delicious dried apricots,high quality dried 100% natural yellowIranian apricot for export , best price , 25% moisture
Apricot is actually obtained by drying apricot fruit. Due to itsnutrients and vitamins, apricot has many properties and benefitsfor the body and is one of the most popular and useful driedfruits apricot has a sweet taste and among its properties Apricotcan strengthen the immune system - help lose weight - treatanemia - increase the milk of pregnant mothers - care for theskin - improve eyesight - treat constipation - relieveindigestion - anti-cough properties - prevent bleeding - improvemetabolism - provide energy to the body and ..... Cited
- beta-carotene - dietary fiber - iron and rich in calcium -potassium - phosphorus - and..... K, C, A It is for the health ofthe body.