Grade A High quality brine shrimp eggs |
Admixture (%):0% Max |
Moisture (%):45% Max |
Packaging :0,5 to 40kg |
Empty shells:less than 3,0% |
Hatching rate: 70%-72% Number of Cysts in a gram - 240-280 thousand units |
RAW price 11$ MOQ 1 kg time 3-20 days
Artemia cysts/Brine Shrimp eggs is the best starter feed for fryof various species of fish and shrimp. This feed contains largenumber of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, amino acids andcontributes to the rapid growth of fry of fish and shrimp.
A valuable feature of Artemia cysts/Brine Shrimp eggs from theAral Sea is a high protein content (up to 72.9%), a sufficientamount of amino acids (essential amino acids: leucine - 19.5 g /kg; lysine - 37.6 - 50.1; valine - 20, 2; phenylalanine - 17.9;methionine - 15.2-16.7; histidine - 25.6; tryptophan - 1.2 -4.07; threonine -14.3; isoleucine - 17.1).
It should also be noted that eggs, in comparison with other food,has a high content of vitamins: carotenoids - 73.63 mg / kg;Vitamin B1 - 13.6 mg / kg; B3- 43.97 mg / kg; B5 - 97.77 mg / kg;B6 17.0 mg / kg; B7 - 3.13 mg / kg; B12 - 31.4 mg / c, macro- andmicroelements including those necessary for fish and birds:cobalt, iodine, zinc, manganese, copper.
Therefore, shrimp and fry distinguish them well in the watercolumn, catch and receive natural nutrition at an early stage oftheir development.