Premium Quality Basmati Rice - 1 Kg
Premium Quality Basmati Rice - 1 Kg
FOB Price 4 - 4.2 USD / 1 Kg
1000 Kg
Vancouver and Montreal
Plastic pouches
Lead Time
1 week
Main Products : Saffron, Basmati Rice
2458B Bayview Ave
Premium Quality Basmati Rice - 1 Kg Introduce

What is Basmati Rice?

Basmati rice is a type of long-grain rice, which originates fromSouth Asia. It is an indispensable part of the daily diet ofpeople in India and Pakistan, and nowadays, its popularity isgrowing around the world, due to its unique taste and fastcooking. Basmati rice is considered a superfood as it containsall eight essential amino acids, making it an ideal food forvegetarians.

Benefits of Basmati Rice

According to a report by the Diabetes Association of Canada,basmati rice has a medium glycemic index. It means the energy,the body gets from consuming basmati rice, is released moreslowly, and this makes it a suitable food for diabetics (comparedto other rice types). It is considered to be one of the highestquality types of rice in the world, which is the reason for itsslightly higher price compared to other types ofrice.

General Types of Basmati Rice

Basmati rice is recognizable by its elongated grain, aroma, andtaste. There are two types: white and brown. It mainly thrives inthe foothills of the Himalayas, and its richness of taste andaroma is due to the rivers rich in minerals, near which this typeof rice is grown. It is an excellent energy source, because itexudes a wealth of carbohydrates and proteins, and containsextremely small amounts of fat, and no cholesterol at all.Unrefined brown rice is richer in fiber than white.

How to Cook Basmati Rice

Due to the short cooking time, it is ideal for preparing quickmeals. The rice needs to be washed for a few minutes to get ridof the starch that makes it sticky. Before you pour water, addsalt to the rice. This process will ensure the absorption of saltinto the rice grains. For the rice to cook properly, use a lid oran aluminum foil to keep the steam stay inside thepot.

Where to Buy Basmati Rice

If you are looking to buy Basmati rice, you have come to theright place. At Canada Foods, we sell premium basmati rice andour prices beat the competition. Shop online on our website tofind exactly what you need. If you have any questions feel freeto reach out to us anytime. We are here to help you create thedish of your choice with the quality products that you need toenjoy your next meal.

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