Our product, Malaysian peanut oil is organic oil is a nutrient product. It increases satiety and is in the basis of weight lowering diets; it is especially famous among photo models as well as among people who would like to maximally reduce meat consumption in their food ration.
Peanut oil is broadly used in medicine:
• for treatment of purulent wounds and hardly healed wounds;
• it increases potency and libido;
• it stimulates muscle activity;
• it improves memory, attention and acusis;
• it lowers cholesterol level in blood;
• it has a healing effect in case of cardiovascular system diseases and blood secretion disorders;
• it is useful for treatment of coronary heart disease;
• it improves sleeping and renews strengths in case of insomnia and exhaustion;
• it normalizes work of kidneys and gall bladder (it is one of the best choleretic agents);
• prevents thrombi formation;
• it has a sedative action on nervous system;
• it is a strong antioxidant;
• it is effective for treatment of children's hemorratic diathesis which causes lowering of blood coagulation and numerous subdermal hemorrhages;
• it perfectly nourishes the skin not leaving sensation of fat content, gives you a good mood with its aroma and color, it is also a good basis for massages;
• it is the basis for weight lowering diets;
• it is recommended for people suffering from overweight, gastrointestinal disorders, liver and kidney diseases;
• it is rich for vitamins of the following groups: A, D, E, B1, В2, РР, folic acid, microelements (ferrum, cobalt, zinc, potassium, magnesium, iodine, phosphorus).
• it contains the following fats: OMEGA-3 (less than 1%), OMEGA-6 (15-30%), OMEGA-9 (50-60%), and unsaturated fatty acids (palmitic, stearin, arachic lignoceric acids...) (about 20%).