India’s diverse climate ensures availability of all varieties offresh fruits & vegetables. It ranks second in fruits andvegetables production in the world, after China. The area undercultivation of fruits stood at 6.66 million hectares whilevegetables were cultivated at 10.35 million hectares.
According to FAO (2019), India is the largest producer of gingerand okra amongst vegetables and ranks second in production ofpotatoes, onions, cauliflowers, brinjal, Cabbages, etc. Amongstfruits, the country ranks first in production of Bananas(26.08%), Papayas (44.05%) and Mangoes (including mangosteens andguavas) (45.89%). Grapes, Pomegranates, Mangoes , Bananas,Oranges account for a larger portion of fruits exported from thecountry while Onions, Mixed Vegetables, Potatoes, Tomatoes, andGreen Chilly contribute largely to the vegetable export basket.