Fertilizers are materials that containone or more nutrients that are applied to plants or growingsubstrates to support their growth process so that they candevelop optimally.
Naturally, the earth and theatmosphere that covers it are an unlimited source of nutrientsfor plant life. However, its availability is not inline with the needs of plants, so human intervention is necessarythrough biosphere management, including regulation ofcommodities, clones, planting periods, locations, fertilization,irrigation. , etc., so that the goal of high plants and efficientproduction can be achieved.
Plants need 13 types of essentialmacronutrients (N, P, K, S, Mg, Ca), micronutrients (Cl, Fe, Mn,Zn, Cu, B, Mo) and about 5 non-essential/functional nutrients(Na, Co , V, Si, Ni). The 13 essential nutrients arerequired by plants for proper metabolism, while the 5non-essential nutrients, in some cases, can function ortemporarily replace the role of some essentialnutrients. Lack of just one of the essentialnutrients will lead to limited productivity.In terms of nutrients, cropproductivity is limited by the minimum amount ofnutrients.