"PIYALI AGROFOOD" is a reputable manufacturer, supplier, and exporter locatedin New Delhi and West Bengal, India. Our expertise lies inoffering a diverse range of Groundnut Peanuts, Fresh Groundnuts,and Groundnut Seeds to cater to various requirements. Our companyspecializes in exporting different peanut varieties, includingroasted peanuts, red peanuts, red peanut kernels, blanchedgroundnut kernels, redskin peanuts, groundnut seeds, raw peanuts,Gujarat groundnut kernels, and more. With our wide selection, weprovide options like Peanuts (Arachis Hypogea) suppliers, Brownraw peanuts supplier, West Bengal peanut kernels, blanchedpeanuts from Maharashtra, diced peanuts, VRI 10, VRI 8, TMV 14,TMV 13, TMV 7, TMV 2, GIRNAR 4, TCGS 1694, Protein-rich organicpeanut kernels, and Natural bulk fresh peanut wholesalers.
In additionto our wide range of products, we also offer split peanuts, rawpeanut kernels, Kadiri 3 groundnuts, K6 groundnuts, KadiriLepakshi 1812 suppliers, malika peanut exporters, red peanutsfrom Tamil Nadu, peanut meal, and BSR 2, CO 7, GG32, GG33, TAG24, G7. Natural raw groundnuts from India, whole blanchedpeanuts, 35/40 blanched whole peanuts, Java groundnuts fromKarnataka, organic groundnut seeds, and the Bhima peanut varietyare all examples of nuts of various sizes. Java peanuts, boldpeanuts, TJ peanuts, mathadi peanuts, exporters of whole peanutswith shells, fresh red groundnuts, Pink peanuts exporters,inshell peanuts, premium quality monkey nuts, groundnut seeds inIndia, singdana suppliers, singdana peanuts exporters, Javapeanuts, bold peanuts, TJ peanuts, mathadi peanutssuppliers.
We use acomprehensive procurement process to guarantee quality, and thepeanuts go through careful washing to achieve a purity level of90% to 95%. Due to the high oil content of our bold peanuts, theyare known for having a high protein level. We have sizes 38/42,40/50, 50/60, 60/70, 80/90, 90/100, and 140/160 Counts/Ounce,among others. At "PIYALI AGRO FOOD," we work hard to satisfy thevarious demands of domestic and foreign customers by offeringthem a wide selection of excellent peanut products.